About Deists.org
I was born to a Christian family within the Baptist community (sometimes Independent, sometime Southern.) By the age of 20 I began to notice problems with Christian tenets while serving in the armed forces and planning for a post-military career in ministry.
What I discovered in my 20s began with questioning Christian holidays and lack of proper Saturday Sabbath observance, culminating in abandoning my correspondence course from Liberty University (before the internet) and replacing...
Simple Deist articles
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The Christian New Covenant Problem
A foundational principle of Christianity is the claim that a new covenant was instituted by...
When the jewish god rejected the Jews
This is a very important question, because the entire Old Testament (aside from the Torah, the...
Samuel, prophet or priest from 1 Samuel: Good guy or bad?
This is the third article in a three part series. If you haven’t yet read the preceding...
Are Christians free from the law?
It is a Christian concept that Jesus freed his followers from the law. By law we mean the law of...
Are Christian holidays pagan?
25 years before my deeper study of the scriptures prompted me to leave the church, I had already...